Keep Terrebonne Beautiful will hold a celebration to wrap up Keep Louisiana Beautiful’s Love the Boot Week. The festival will be Saturday, April 23rd from 11 am to 6 pm at the Houma Downtown Marina (8228 Park Ave., Houma, LA 70364). We will have vendor booths, music, activities for kids, and food. We will kick off the morning with a White Boot Clean-up. Then, of course, we have a Jean Lafitte look-alike contest, a magnetic fishing tournament, and a treasure hunt. The purpose of the event is two-fold. First, we want to celebrate our bayou heritage and keep our area clean. Second, we will be raising money to further the mission of Keep Terrebonne Beautiful.
We would like the thank Houma Travel, Terrebonne General Health System, and Houma Downtown Development District with the help of our sponsors directly funding Keep Terrebonne Beautiful’s programming.
Join the action on Saturday, April 23, 2022, to sign-up for the clean-up, the pirate costume contest, the magnetic fishing tournament, and the treasure hunt visit www.keepterrebonnebeautiful.org.
About Keep Terrebonne Beautiful
Keep Terrebonne Beautiful is a non-profit organization established in 2000 whose mission is to empower the citizens of Terrebonne Parish to take personal responsibility to prevent litter and beautify the parish. Our mission is to empower the citizens of Terrebonne Parish to take personal responsibility to prevent litter and beautify the parish.