Keep Terrebonne Beautiful is excited to announce the launch of the Adopt-a-Block program in Terrebonne Parish. This program is designed to encourage community members to take an active role in keeping their neighborhoods clean and safe.
The Adopt-a-Block program is a volunteer-based initiative that allows individuals, families, businesses, and community organizations to “adopt” a block in their neighborhood. By doing so, they commit to regularly cleaning up litter and debris, reporting any issues, and promoting a sense of community pride.
“Keeping our neighborhoods clean and safe is not just the responsibility of the city or local government. It’s the responsibility of all of us who live, work, and play in these communities,” said Keep Terrebonne Beautiful Executive Director Billie Babin Richard. “We believe that the Adopt-a-Block program is a great way for community members to come together, take ownership of their neighborhoods, and make a positive impact.”
Those who participate in the program will receive support from Keep Terrebonne Beautiful, including trash bags, gloves, and other cleaning supplies, as well as guidance on how to properly dispose of waste. In addition, they will have the opportunity to connect with other volunteers and participate in community events and activities.
We have three organizations that have committed to adopting blocks in our community. The Hache Grant Association has taken responsibility for the block between Gabasse Street and New Orleans Boulevard, including Bayou Terrebonne which runs alongside Main Street. Houma Elks Lodge No. 1193 has adopted the block between Goode Street and Roussell Street, also including Bayou Terrebonne. Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux has adopted the 1200 block of Aycock Street.
To learn more about the Adopt-a-Block program or to sign up to participate, visit the Keep Terrebonne Beautiful website at www.keepterrebonnebeautiful.org.